José Verduzco – El Dorado Country Club
June 3, 2014 in 2-year, Articles, Internships
The third stop on my internship visits for Penn State’s Golf Course Turfgrass Management Program was to Palm Springs, California to visit with José Verduzco at El Dorado Country Club. The Superintendent at Eldorado Country Club is Craig Ellis, who was a 1998 graduate of Penn State’s Golf Course Turfgrass Management Program.
José has worked at La Quinta Country Club near El Dorado and decided that he would like to work at a new place to gain some experience working with a new crew. Since being there, he’s been involved in all kinds of projects ranging from general maintenance to construction projects to running crews. His ability to speak Spanish has been a key factor in his success on golf courses in the Palm Springs area.
Check out some pictures from my is with José below
[…] After a brief stay in Palm Springs, I’m going to visit three golf courses in the Denver area, the first one being the Country Club the Rockies in Vail, Colorado. This visit was with Devon Moll, who’s doing an internship with another Penn State alum, Kevin Ross. […]