2-Year Program Alum wins MacCurrach Award
August 30, 2017 in 2-year, Alumni, Awards
Golf Course Turfgrass Management 2-Year Program alum Jordan Carbone (class of 2014) of Erin, Ontario, Canada, recently received the MacCurrach Award in the GCSAA Scholars Competition.
Carbone, who currently attends Georgian College, received the competition’s second place award of $5,000, known as the MacCurrach Award. It is named in honor of the late Allan MacCurrach, who became the PGA Tour’s first staff agronomist in 1974 and was the GCSAA Distinguished Service Award winner in 1997. The PGA Tour funds this award. Carbone will also receive an all-expenses-paid trip to the 2018 Golf Industry Show, Feb. 4-9, in San Antonio.