Penn State Student Interning with the Philadelphia Eagles
June 27, 2013 in 4-year
Name: Edward Harbaugh
Hometown: Horsham, PA
Major: BS, Turfgrass Science, 2014, University Park, PA
Adviser: Dr. Andy McNitt
Internship: Philadelphia Eagles
Location: Philadelphia, PA
Superintendent: Tony Leonard
Penn State student Edward Harbaugh, of Horsham, Pennsylvania, is currently in the midst of a six month long internship with the Philadelphia Eagles of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. During his internship, Harbaugh will be working on the NFL field playing quality standerds. He will also be collecting extra data from practice fields and working with the Philadelphia Eagles Ground Crew. He appreciates the hands-on experience that his internship provides and is learning how to deal with different real life situations. He describes his internship as “an outstanding learning experience”.