Eastern PA Turf Conference Revitalized
July 3, 2017 in Articles, Conferences, EC
The 2018 edition of the Eastern PA Turf Conference will introduce some major changes to the annual educational opportunity. The conference location has moved to the Shady Maple Conference Center in East Earl, PA and the conference has been compacted into one jam-packed day – Wednesday, January 10, 2018. The rejuvenated conference will feature three concurrent educational tracks: Golf; Lawn, Landscape and Sports Turf; From the Ground Up – presentations devoted to topics appealing to all who work in the green industry. The Trade Show returns and sponsorship opportunities are available. Lunch at the famous Shady Maple Smorgasbord is included with registration.
The educational program has been developed with input from representatives of LCAP, CPGCSA, USGA, KAFMO and Penn State. Over 20 update credits in categories 7, 18, 23 and PC will be offered along with four core credits and three in category 6 and one in category 16. Dr. Mike Goatley of VA Tech and Dr. Matt Elmore of Rutgers will be joining Penn State educators in providing university research results and advice to address current turfgrass management issues. Experts in the field like Elliott Dowling, USGA, and Steve McDonald, Turfgrass Disease Solutions, will also be presenting. At least 10 seminar topics will be of special interest to lawn and landscape professionals, and, for the sports turf managers attending, Tony Leonard of the Eagles and Chris Ecton of the Steelers will share their experiences working in the NFL. The 2018 Eastern PA Turfgrass Conference and Trade Show will have something for all turfgrass managers.
Plan to attend. Mark the date, Wednesday, January 10, 2018, on your calendar now. Additional details and registration will be available in November.