Students Win Turf Bowl Competition
March 11, 2009 in 2-year, 4-year
First place 4-year team from left to right: Matt Elmore, Nick Gialolreto, Tanner Devalle, and Nick Leviere.
At this year’s National Sports Turf Manager’s Associations National Conference in San Jose, CA all three of Penn State’s Competitive Student Teams placed in their divisions. One four-year turfgrass science team placed first and a second placed third out about 30 competing teams from Universities across the country in a written exam covering sports turf management topics as well as plant, insect, and disease ID.
In the Two-Year division out Penn State team placed second out of 15 teams competing. All team participants were in their second year of Penn State’s Two Year Turfgrass Certificate Program. The awards are currently on display in The Hamilton Turf Club Room in ASI.
All three teams and awards: Front Row (left to right) Josh Kravik, Matthew Elmore, Drew Barnett, Brandon Crim, Nicholas Gialloreto, Back row: Kyle Hivner, Dina Avvakumova, Dustin LeVan, Ryan Golay, Jasmine Steinke, Nicholas LeViere, Tanner DelValle.
Faculty advisor Andy McNitt points out that “Matt Naedel should be commended for his hard work and focus on the quality training these students received. Matt sets the tone and the students have obviously responded.” This is the first time in the history of the competition that a University has successfully defended their title. Last year Penn State took first in both the four-year and two-year divisions and the only University to place each year of the competition. The Students would like to thank Keystone Athletic Field Manager’s Association and TORO for their financial assistance in attending the conference. The students would also like to thank those who took the time to help with evening training sessions including: Dr. Andrew McNitt (faculty advisor), Dr. Peter Landschoot, Dr. Max Schlossberg, Dr. Al Jarret, Ms. Dianne Petrunak, Mr. Steve LeGros, Mr. Jeff Borger, Mr. Dave Livingston, and Mr. Jeff Fowler.
For the STMA newsrelease click here.
Posted by Andy McNitt