Pythium Research at Penn State – Samples Needed!
May 10, 2019 in Grad Students, Research
The Penn State Turfgrass Program is looking to golf course superintendents to assist with a research project focusing on Pythium species causing root rot and foliar blight throughout Pennsylvania and the Mid-Atlantic. The primary goal of this project is to identify Pythium species in soil and plant tissue as it relates to disease development throughout the year. John Kaminski (Professor of Turfgrass Science) and Travis Russell (Ph.D. candidate) are looking for turfgrass sites with a history of root Pythium issues and/or suspected cases of Pythium patch. Pythium isolates from these sites will be included in ongoing evaluations to pathogen biology, disease epidemiology, and best management practices for control. If you would like to participate in this research project, please contact John Kaminski at for more information.
Root Pythium is a common issue on golf course putting greens, but more information about the species causing the problem in Pennsylvania is needed. In addition to root Pythium, the purported new disease Pythium patch (slideshow below) has appeared on several golf courses in the region in the last few years and needs more investigation.