Penn State Student Joins Philadelphia Eagles for Internship
June 20, 2013 in 4-year
Name: Jordan Gleim
Hometown: Carlisle, PA
Major: BS, Turfgrass Science, 2013, University Park, PA
Adviser: Dr. Andy McNitt
Internship: The Philadelphia Eagles
Location: Philadelphia, PA
Superintendent: Tony Leanord
Penn State student Jordan Gleim is currently in the midst of a six month internship with the Philadelphia Eagles of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Jordan is working on a special project with Tuckahoe Turf Farm to improve sod for inseason resodding of a professional football stadium. He is enjoying his time with the Eagles and is excited to be working with other Penn State graduates. Jordan is also learning a lot and is taking his internship as an opportunity to work with different types of grass species. “I have been learning new things since day one,” Jordan says, “and I am extremely grateful for this opportunity here in Philadelphia”.