Graduate Student Profile: Michael Shelley
November 18, 2009 in Grad Students, Research
Michael Shelley, a 2008 graduate of the Turfgrass Science program at Penn State, has started the pursuit of a Master’s Degree in Soil Science. Under the direction of Dr. Andrew McNitt, he will be studying various aspects of safety and playability of synthetic and natural turf systems.
Penn State has recently partnered with FieldTurf, and Michael will be involved in constructing numerous synthetic turf plots as a part of the Center for Sports Surface Research. The Center’s main areas of research will include athlete traction, field surface hardness, abrasiveness, and surface temperature control.
Mike is from Lancaster County, PA, most popularly known for its large Amish population. He completed his undergraduate internship at Merion Golf Club in Ardmore, PA and worked for the Brickman Group in Maryland. When he finds the time to catch a break from the books and research, he enjoys going for long runs around Centre County.