2014 GIS Alumni Luncheon Announced

January 8, 2014 in 2-year, 4-year, Alumni, events

Penn State Turfgrass Alumni Luncheon
Thursday, February 6th, 2014 at 12:00PM
Orange County Convention Center
Room W304 E

Lunch will be $20/person prepaid, $30 at the door

Dear Fellow Alumni,

Happy New Year!  I want to personally wish each of you and your families a blessed holiday season and a prosperous 2014.

As the New Year begins we look forward to meeting again at the GIS Event in Orlando.  We have discussed changes to this event for the past couple of years at breakfast and this year we are making those changes.  We will be hosting a luncheon on the convention center grounds this year.  Hopefully this will accommodate everyone’s schedules and we can see a better attendance than in years past.  Based on the GIS schedule, there are very few competing events for our time on Thursday so I hope to see many of you there.  Another change is, for organizational purposes we would like to get people committed and prepaid before the luncheon.  Therefore, if you plan to attend, please include payment with your directory database form.  You will still be able to pay at the door, however, we have reserved the room for a set number of guests so there is no guarantee there will be room if you wait.

As many of you know, on October 11, 2013, Dr. Joe Duich passed away.  I cannot begin to express my appreciation for all that Dr. Joe did for the PSU program and while I did not have him as an instructor I know he touched those instructors I had.  The obituary for Dr. Joe can be viewed online at Koch Funeral Home’s website.  Epic Creations has created a 10 minute video in memory of Dr. Joe which will be shown at the luncheon this year.  This should be a great time to remember the way he touched all our lives as Penn Staters.

I also want to highlight the many ways you can stay in touch with your fellow alumni.  Accounts are set up on Facebook and Twitter at: www.facebook.com/PSUTurf and https://twitter.com/PSUTurf.  If you have a Facebook account make sure to friend Poa Annua and Creeping Bentgrass.  They post some interesting pictures.  You can also follow a blog at psuturf.com and you can locate PSU graduates around the world at plantscience.psu.edu/alumni/turfgrass.

Finally, it has been my pleasure to serve the Alumni Association the past 6 years and I thank you for the opportunity.

Thank you,

Matt Schmitz                                     

Alumni Association Officers for 2014-2016

Andy Kjos – President (kjos3@hotmail.com)
Bill Brookhart – Treasurer (bill.brookhart@toro.com)
? – Secretary
Matt Schmitz – Past President (mschmitz@wsgc.org)