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Update: U.S. EPA Reaffirms that Glyphosate Does Not Cause Cancer
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency said on Thursday it finished a regulatory review that found glyphosate, the most widely used weed killer in the United States, is not a carcinogen.

Annual Bluegrass Research at Penn State – Survey Sites Needed
The Penn State Turfgrass Program is looking for turfgrass managers to assist with a research project focusing on annual bluegrass throughout Pennsylvania. The primary goal of this project is to address potential herbicide resistance in annual bluegrass in managed turf systems. John Kaminski (Professor of Turfgrass Science) and Kaiyuan Tang (Ph.D. student) are looking for more

Pythium Research at Penn State – Samples Needed!
The Penn State Turfgrass Program is looking to golf course superintendents to assist with a research project focusing on Pythium species causing root rot and foliar blight throughout Pennsylvania and the Mid-Atlantic. The primary goal of this project is to identify Pythium species in soil and plant tissue as it relates to disease development throughout more

Turfgrass Diseases Flourish as Rain and High Humidity Persist Throughout Pennsylvania
Plant pathologists often remind us that, in nature, diseases are the exception rather than the rule, and periods of intense disease activity are generally short-lived. However, as rainfall continues to saturate Pennsylvania golf courses, lawns, and sports fields into early September, diseases seem to be the rule rather than the exception in some areas.

Devon Carroll Receives Western Seed Association’s President’s Scholarship
Master of Science student Devon Carroll was awarded the Western Seed Association President’s Scholarship. The Western Seed Association was founded in 1899 as an organization devoted to addressing industry issues and facilitating seed business. The organization distributes 12 scholarships each year to students pursuing education in seed related studies. One of the scholarship recipients is more

Participate in dollar spot research at Penn State
Dollar spot is probably the most important or chronic disease of turfgrass on golf courses. As a turfgrass manager you understand how detrimental dollar spot can be both to the turf and to your budget. Dr. Kaminski’s lab at Penn State is currently conducting research experiments focusing on pertinent issues relating to the turfgrass disease dollar spot more

2015 Snow Mold Trial (VIDEO)
In the interest of trying to expand our delivery methods when it comes to our trial work and outreach, I have decided to attempt to put together a series of videos for all of the trials that we conduct in any given year. It’s actually a big undertaking that adds a lot of work to more

Penn State Turfgrass Field Days Date Announced!
Golf course superintendents, sports turf managers, professional landscapers, grounds managers, and others interested in management of turf and landscape plantings will have the opportunity to see the latest trends and research from Penn State's College of Agricultural Sciences during Turf and Ornamentals Field Days.

Penn State device asks: Which shoes are safe?
The cleated football shoe hit the ground with 237 pounds of force and pivoted abruptly in a counter-clockwise direction, as one might do while running a tight pass route. But there was no human foot in the shoe, just Pennfoot. It's a device invented by Pennsylvania State University researchers to measure

Study Leads to Traction Database of Various Sports Shoes and Field Types
Athletes looking to maximize performance on the playing field sometimes seek footwear that provides the best traction. But it's important to balance the need for good traction with the risk of injury, according to turfgrass researchers in Penn State's College of Agricultural Sciences. The college's Center for Sports Surface Research has released the results of an extensive traction study that tested